AED Replacement Accessories; Expiring AED Parts, Automated External Defibrillator, Good Samaritan

Jun 8, 2010

All Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have pads and batteries with expiration dates and must be replaced according to the expiration date.

Once an organization or company has equipped themselves with an automated external defibrillator (AED), it is imperative that inspections are performed on a monthly basis. Not only are monthly inspections a prerequisite for the Good Samaritan law, but it also reminds the organization when the pads and batteries expire.

Below are some commonly asked questions regarding replacement parts.

Why do my AED electrode pads expire?

  • AED electrode pads are comprised of an adhesive gel and tin. Once they exceed their expiration date, they may not be able to function properly or will lose their ability to “stick” to a victim. Manufacturers cannot guarantee that the pads will function past their expiration date. Just like a band aid, AED electrode pads tend to dry out faster once exposed to air.

When do my pads expire?

  • AED pads expire typically every two years. Manufacturers such as HeartSine and Zoll use a different formula which allows the pads to last longer than two years.

How often will I have to replace my batteries?

  • Like the electrode pads, each manufacturer has a different expiration date. Battery expiration dates or shelf life can vary anywhere from 2 years to 7 years. The battery shelf life is not a set date and varies manufacturer to manufacturer. The shelf life date can usually be found on the battery.

Does my AED battery have an expiration date listed on it?

  • Yes. Most batteries have an expiration date with the exception of Cardiac Science. Cardiac Science lists when the battery was manufactured versus the battery shelf life.

Should I purchase an extra set of pads or battery?

  • This is not a legal statue or precedent that requires a spare pad be available. However, it is always a good idea to have an extra battery or set of pads, just in case the primary is not functionality proper. Most manufacturers will include a spare set of pads in their initial AED Ship Set.

Contact HeartSafe America today to find out more about replacement accessories for your AED or to place an order for your replacement accessories. HeartSafe America's goal is to educate the public about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) and how AEDs can increase the survival rate.


Unknown said...

Where can i get electrode for AEDkit in india

Unknown said...

If you really wanna buy these electrode pads for the tens unit then you should go for the Santamedical's brand which is highly available on

Harish Kumar said...

Santamedical PM-470 Rechargeable Tens Unit Electronic Pulse Massager is a compact, portable, micro-computer controlled device. It can be used in many areas in your body, including arms, neck and shoulders, back, low back, legs, feet, joints etc.

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